Sunday, July 31, 2011


It is soooooooooooo hot!  How could I have moved from 200% humidity and 100 degree weather to 25% humidity and 108 degrees in the shade.  OH  that's right I fell in love and got married and moved in by choice.

WELL, LOVE THE MAN, Blessed with the marriage and not so happy about the HOT, FREAKEN  HOT!!!

Pete and I are going to be Great=Grand Parents in November, Christian and Michael are having a son, Connor Wayne Adams will be due around Thanksgiving/  They have just this week-end moved into their very first place together.  How many remember that very place first you had?  Was it tiny like mine?  Did you try to grocery shop at your parents house? Were handmedowns the greatest things ever? and OH the JOY of that first purchase made.

luv n hugs
